Randy and Katy Smelser

Americans living in Germany but citizens of heaven

God's Calling

God's ways do not always make sense to us as humans. His calling can be like this. For some reason he sees someone and decides they would be good at doing something or going somewhere that most people would never think of. God often called prophets to go to some other land (Amos, Jonah or the nameless prophet from 1.Kings 13). Why not raise someone up from there? He does that too but he often has called a special person for a special reason.

God is like the conductor of an orchestra. He knows how each instrument combined together forms at beautiful concert if played at the right time in the right way. He calls people from one place to another because He has need for the talents and gifts or He may want to help an individual grow in a special way that would never be done in his hometown or country.

I believe God called me/us to this work. Since I was a boy I prayed for Europe and I was interested in Europe. I was interested in our family history (Smelser is from German - Schmeltzer). My first trip to Europe was Easter 1977 as a high school Senior to Italy as part of National Latin Club. Europe pulled at me. I never wanted to be a preacher but God took my interest and redefined it. God's call is not always painful; sometimes he gives us the desires of our hearts after refining them.

Sometimes we ask ourselves why we are here. Sometimes we ask if it our desire or God's. We have often told God we will go anywhere in the world and He always seems to keep us planted where we are right now. Again and again we have seen how we have not accomplished what we wanted but what God wanted. Those are often two totally different things. We have touched lives who normally would have fallen through the cracks and been lost. God's call is often a mystery but is always good in the end.